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Appcircle Mobile DevOps Features

Appcircle provides comprehensive modules with embedded mobile DevOps best practices to automate your mobile CI/CD pipeline.



Comprehensive Mobile Stack Support & Easy Integration
  • Supports major mobile stacks including native (Objective-C/Swift, Java/Kotlin) and cross-platform (React Native, Flutter).
  • Connect to your preferred git provider (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, or self-hosted) with ease.
  • User-friendly interface for customizing build settings with one-click access to common configurations.
Customizable Workflows & Automated Processes
  • Fully customizable workflows with support for build scripts and integration options.
  • Automatic build triggers and secure environment variable management.
  • Support for multiple Xcode versions, including betas, with easy version switching.
Enhanced Performance & Detailed Monitoring
  • Advanced caching for faster builds without compromising privacy and stability.
  • Automated versioning, release note generation, and comprehensive build insights with detailed logs and dashboards.
  • Notification integration for real-time updates on Slack, email, and other platforms.
Dive into the Build Details. →

Signing Identities

Centralized Management of Signing Identities
  • Manage iOS certificates and Android keystores centrally & securely, accessible from the build module for use in multiple projects.
  • No need to maintain the same identity separately for each build or use third-party tools for certificate generation.
Automated Certificate and Profile Management
  • Integrate with App Store Connect to automate the generation and management of iOS certificates and provisioning profiles.
  • Receive advance notifications for expiring certificates to avoid last-minute surprises in automated builds.
Enhanced Security and Team Monitoring
  • Prevent the removal of active certificates to maintain build pipeline integrity.
  • Monitor team signing activities with detailed usage audits, ensuring visibility of which app is signed by whom.
Dive into the Signing Identities Details. →

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Testing Distribution

Flexible Distribution and Multi-platform Support
  • Distribute app builds via email, QR codes, and webhooks for Teams and Slack.
  • Share .xcarchive, .IPA, APK, AAB, Zip files directly, avoiding the need to use App Store TestFlight or Google Play Internal Testing.
  • Offer flexible deployment options, including self-hosted and multi-cloud solutions (GCP, AWS, Azure).
Streamlined Workflow
  • Allows the creation of specific test groups, ensuring that the right people are testing the right features.
  • Automate the distribution process, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing DevOps pipelines, enabling efficient build and distribution workflows.
Enhanced Security and Efficient CI/CD Integration
  • Securely manage test groups with LDAP and SSO integration.
  • Allows the creation of specific test groups, ensuring that the right people are testing the right features.
  • Track tester engagement and gain insights with detailed reports and metrics.
Dive into the Testing Distribution Details. →

Publish to Stores

Centralized and Automated App Publishing
  • Publish apps to App Store, Google Play, and Huawei AppGallery seamlessly from a single module.
  • Customize publish flows with drag-and-drop steps to automate the deployment process, reducing errors and saving time.
  • Connect your store accounts to Appcircle with API keys for streamlined automation.
Comprehensive Release Management and Tracking
  • Track and compare release performance with audit logs and reports, highlighting differences between versions.
  • Customize workflows to include steps like store review submissions, approval processes via email, and custom script support for third-party systems.
  • Update metadata such as descriptions, keywords, and screenshots, and re-sign binaries before publishing.
Enhanced Deployment Features
  • Deploy to App Store, TestFlight, Google Play Console, Huawei AppGallery, Microsoft Intune and Enterprise App Store.
  • Support phased rollouts to minimize risk and gather feedback.
  • Ensure all app information is up-to-date and manage application versions, build numbers, and entitlements efficiently.
Dive into the Publish to Stores Details. →

App Store

Comprehensive Compatibility and Distribution
  • Supports all mobile app types and frameworks, including native, cross-platform, and hybrid apps.
  • Share .IPA, APK, or AAB files directly, bypassing traditional app stores for faster releases.
  • Manage different channels for beta testing and production, with phased rollouts to minimize risks.
Customizable Storefront and User Management
  • Customize the storefront with your company's branding, logos, colors, and domain.
  • Implement role-based access controls with LDAP and SSO integration, providing selective app access.
  • Support multiple languages for a global workforce and provide localized content.
Enhanced Security, Performance, and Reporting
  • Use CDN encryption for secure app deliveries and high-speed downloads.
  • Offer self-hosted solutions for complete control over app distribution and data security.
  • Get detailed reports on app distribution metrics, user engagement, and create custom reports for business needs.
  • Automatic updates ensure apps stay current, with smooth transitions and user notifications for new updates.
Dive into the Enterprise App Store Details. →


Pipeline and Build Insights
  • Track build and delivery metrics to identify improvement areas and optimize your app development process.
  • View the status of every pipeline step and get actionable insights for optimization.
  • Monitor build performance over time, detect issues affecting build success rates, and identify bottlenecks.
Testing and Publishing Insights
  • Analyze test run results to identify unreliable tests and improve test coverage.
  • Track testing distribution metrics, discover active testers, and gather valuable feedback.
  • Monitor store release metrics, view the status of releases, and analyze artifact sizes to prevent unexpected changes.
Data-Driven Optimization
  • Leverage data to enhance build and delivery efficiency, achieving higher app quality.
  • Use dependency analysis to detect obsolete elements (in the roadmap).
  • Gain a competitive edge with faster and smoother app delivery using comprehensive data insights.
Dive into the Insights Details. →
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