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Comprehensive App Distribution for Testing

Enhance your mobile DevOps lifecycle with Appcircle's comprehensive Testing Distribution module. Utilize seamless app binary distribution and management for efficient testing across multiple devices.

Binary Distribution

Centralized Management

Manage all your binary files for different platforms in a single, organized repository. This helps maintain a streamlined process for accessing and distributing your app builds.

Support for Multiple Formats

Easily distribute various file formats such as IPA, APK, and AAB. This flexibility ensures you can cater to both iOS and Android platforms efficiently.

Version Control

Keep track of different versions of your distributed binaries. This helps maintain a clear record of updates, facilitating rollback if needed, and ensuring that testers have access to the correct version

Re-sign Binary

Re-sign app binaries to update signing credentials without needing to rebuild.Learn more  

Testing Groups

LDAP/SSO Based Test Groups

Seamlessly integrate with LDAP and SSO systems to manage your test groups securely.

User Management

Simplify the process of adding and removing testers, managing permissions, and ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific app builds.

Access Control

Maintain tight security and organization by leveraging corporate directory services to control who can participate in testing.


Comprehensive Metrics

Gain insights into your app distribution process with detailed reports on various metrics such as download counts, active testers, and feedback. This data helps you understand the reach and effectiveness of your distribution efforts.

Tester Engagement Tracking

Monitor how testers interact with your app. Collect and analyze feedback to make informed decisions on necessary improvements or feature additions.

Multi-region & Multi-CDN Support

Multi-region Support

Ensure that your app builds are accessible globally with optimized performance for different regions. This includes special considerations for regions with unique internet regulations.

Maintain high availability and low latency for your app distributions across the world.

Multi-CDN Support

Use multiple Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to distribute your app builds. This redundancy ensures that your app remains accessible even if one CDN experiences downtime.

Improve download speeds and reduce latency for users by leveraging a network of CDNs placed strategically around the globe.

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Secure Delivery

Utilize tokens to securely distribute content through CDNs. This ensures that only authorized users can download your app builds

Access Control

Implement fine-grained access controls to protect your app builds from unauthorized access and potential security threats.

LDAP/SSO Support

Use LDAP and SSO authentication methods to secure your distribution process. These methods provide robust security measures, ensuring that only authenticated users can access your app builds.

Multi-platform Support


Provide comprehensive support for distributing app builds to both iOS and Android platforms. Ensure that testers on either platform can access and test your app efficiently.

Desktop (Apple Silicon)

Extend your distribution capabilities to desktop environments, specifically supporting Apple Silicon devices. This ensures that testers using the latest Apple hardware can participate in the testing process.

Flexible Deployment Options

Self-hosted Solutions

Offer the option to host the distribution infrastructure on-premises. This provides greater control over the distribution process and ensures that sensitive data remains within your organization’s network.


Available on multiple cloud vendors, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure Cloud

Apple Device Registration & Management [Ad-hoc]

Device Management

Simplify the process of registering and managing Apple devices. Automate the device registration process using registered provisions and API keys, ensuring that testers can easily enroll their devices for testing.

Ad-hoc Distribution

Manage ad-hoc distributions without needing to use iTunes or third-party apps to learn the corresponding UDID. This feature allows for more straightforward management of devices and provisioning profiles.

CI/CD Integration


Integrate with your CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing distribution of your app binary. This ensures that each build is automatically tested and made available to testers, streamlining the release process.

Also we support CLI and API for automation. You can integrate your CI pipelines with Appcircle using our CLI and API.Learn more  


Maintain a seamless and efficient app release cycle by automating repetitive tasks. This reduces manual intervention and helps in quickly identifying and resolving issues in your app builds.

Azure DevOps Extension

The Appcircle Testing Distribution module is directly accessible from the Azure DevOps pipeline via the Azure DevOps Extension, which is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.Learn more  

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How do you distribute apps to testers?

Distributing apps to testers involves several steps. First, you need to prepare the beta version of your app and upload it to a distribution platform like TestFlight for iOS or Google Play Console for Android. Next, you invite testers via email or a specific testing platform, providing them with a link to download the app. Testers then install the app on their devices and start testing, providing feedback on any issues they encounter.

Appcircle offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines this process. It allows you to automate build uploads, manage tester invitations, and collect feedback efficiently from a single platform. With Appcircle, you receive real-time notifications and detailed test reports, ensuring that you can quickly address any issues identified by testers.

How do I add a tester to my app distribution?

Adding a tester to your app distribution is a straightforward process. Typically, you will need the tester's email address to send an invitation. For example, in TestFlight, you can add testers by entering their email addresses and sending an invite. Similarly, in the Google Play Console, you can create a testing track and add testers by email. For iOS Ad Hoc distribution, you need to collect the UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of each tester's device, which can be a more complicated process as it involves manually adding each device to your provisioning profile in the Apple Developer portal.

Appcircle makes this process seamless by providing easy-to-use tools for inviting testers, managing their access, and ensuring they receive the latest versions of your app for testing. Appcircle also allows you to track tester activity and feedback, making it easy to monitor their engagement and the issues they report. Additionally, Appcircle simplifies the process of collecting and managing UDIDs for iOS Ad Hoc distribution, making it easier to handle device-specific testing requirements.

What is the tester limit for app distribution?

The tester limit for app distribution depends on the platform or service you use. For example, TestFlight allows up to 10,000 testers per app, while the Google Play Console has different limits based on the type of testing (internal, closed, or open). Some platforms may impose restrictions on the number of testers you can invite, which can be a limiting factor for larger testing efforts.

Appcircle provides a scalable solution, allowing you to add as many testers as you need without stringent limitations. This ensures you can conduct thorough testing across a wide range of devices and user scenarios. Appcircle also offers flexible group management, so you can easily organize testers into different groups based on testing needs.

How do I add testers to iOS?

Adding testers to an iOS app typically involves using Apple's TestFlight platform. First, you need to upload your app to App Store Connect and enable TestFlight testing. Then, you can create a new group of testers or use an existing group. To add testers, you enter their email addresses and send them an invitation. Testers will receive an email with a link to install the TestFlight app and download your beta version. For iOS Ad Hoc distribution, you also need to collect the UDID (Unique Device Identifier) of each tester's device, which can be a more complicated process as it involves manually adding each device to your provisioning profile in the Apple Developer portal.

Appcircle simplifies the management of iOS app distribution by integrating with TestFlight, making it easy to invite testers, manage their access, and ensure they always have the latest build. Appcircle provides detailed analytics and feedback management tools to help you track tester activity and issues reported, enhancing the overall testing process. Additionally, Appcircle streamlines the collection and management of UDIDs for iOS Ad Hoc distribution, reducing the complexity and effort involved in handling device-specific testing requirements.

How do I distribute my Android app?

Distributing your Android app involves using a platform like Google Play Console. First, you need to upload your APK or AAB file to the Google Play Console. Then, you can create a testing track (internal, closed, or open) depending on the scope of your testing. After creating the track, you invite testers by adding their email addresses or sharing a public link. Testers will receive an invitation to join the testing program, allowing them to download and install the app from the Google Play Store.

Appcircle supports the distribution of Android apps by providing tools to automate build uploads, manage tester invitations, and streamline the feedback process. Appcircle also offers detailed reporting and analytics to help you understand tester feedback and app performance, making it easier to distribute and test your Android app effectively.

How can I view mobile test results effectively?

Viewing mobile test results effectively involves using a centralized platform that consolidates all test data and feedback into comprehensive reports and dashboards. These tools help analyze test outcomes, identify issues, and track progress over time. For example, using platforms like Appcircle, you can generate detailed performance metrics, view error logs, and track user feedback in real-time, ensuring a thorough understanding of your app's performance during testing.

Appcircle provides dashboards and detailed reports for both iOS and Android apps, allowing you to access dashboards and detailed reports, allowing you to focus on the most critical issues and make informed decisions to improve your app. The platform’s intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate through test results and derive actionable insights.

What are the best practices for app testing and distribution?

Best practices for app testing and distribution include thorough planning, selecting the right testing tools, involving a diverse group of testers, and automating the distribution process. For instance, you might use TestFlight for iOS and Google Play Console for Android to manage test distribution and feedback collection.

Appcircle enhances these practices by offering an integrated platform that automates build distribution, manages tester invitations, and collects feedback seamlessly for both Android and iOS apps. Appcircle provides detailed analytics and reporting tools to help you track the effectiveness of your testing efforts and make data-driven improvements, ensuring a streamlined and efficient testing process across both platforms. You can also check our blog for the ultimate guide to testing distribution named "5 Best Practices in Testing Distribution"

Why is app testing important for developers?

App testing is crucial for developers as it helps identify bugs, ensures compatibility across devices, and enhances user experience. Testing allows developers to catch issues early, leading to a more stable and reliable application. For example, conducting automated tests using Appcircle can help identify memory leaks, crashes, and performance bottlenecks before the app reaches users, saving time and resources in the long run.

Appcircle supports a wide range of testing types, including functional, performance, and security testing, ensuring comprehensive coverage and early detection of issues. Appcircle accomplishes this through ready-to-work integrations with popular CI/CD tools and testing frameworks, making it easy to incorporate automated tests into your development workflow. This helps developers deliver high-quality apps that meet user expectations and perform well under various conditions.

How does automated mobile app testing improve efficiency?

Automated mobile app testing improves efficiency by reducing the time and effort required for repetitive test cases. It ensures consistent test execution and enables continuous testing throughout the development cycle. For example, Appcircle's automated testing features allow developers to run tests on multiple devices simultaneously, receive immediate feedback on build quality, and integrate testing into continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

This significantly speeds up the development process and ensures that issues are detected and resolved quickly, leading to a more stable and reliable app. Appcircle’s automation capabilities enhance overall productivity and streamline the testing workflow.

What is mobile app quality assurance and why is it important?

Mobile app quality assurance (QA) ensures that an app meets specified requirements and provides a positive user experience. QA processes involve various testing techniques to identify and fix defects, ensuring the app is reliable and performs well. For example, through Appcircle, developers can perform functional, performance, and security testing, ensuring the app's stability and security before it reaches end users via ready-to-work integrations.

Appcircle’s QA integrations provide detailed test reports and analytics, helping you track and address issues effectively. This ultimately enhances overall user satisfaction and reduces the risk of post-release issues, ensuring a high-quality app experience.

What does mobile app release testing involve?

Mobile app release testing involves final validation of the app before it is released to users. This includes compatibility testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing to ensure the app functions correctly and meets user expectations. For example, using Appcircle, developers can simulate real-world usage scenarios, perform stress tests to ensure the app can handle high loads, and gather feedback from beta testers.

Appcircle’s ready-to-work integrations and workflows help automate and streamline these processes, providing detailed reports and analytics to ensure the app is polished and ready for public release. This comprehensive approach to release testing ensures a smooth and successful launch.

What are the key aspects of mobile app testing?

Key aspects of mobile app testing include functional testing, performance testing, usability testing, security testing, and compatibility testing. These tests ensure that the app works as intended, performs well under load, is user-friendly, secure, and compatible with various devices and operating systems. For instance, Appcircle provides tools for comprehensive functional testing to verify each feature of the app, performance testing to measure responsiveness, and compatibility testing across a wide range of devices and operating systems.

Appcircle’s integrated platform ensures that all these aspects are covered, providing detailed reports and analytics to help you identify and address issues effectively. This thorough approach to testing ensures a high-quality app that meets user expectations.

Which mobile app testing platforms are most effective?

Effective mobile app testing platforms offer comprehensive testing tools, support for multiple devices and operating systems, and integration with development workflows. Platforms like TestFlight for iOS, Google Play Console for Android, and Appcircle’s Testing Distribution are popular choices.

Appcircle stands out by providing an all-in-one solution that simplifies testing, distribution, and feedback collection. Appcircle’s platform supports automated testing, detailed reporting, and integration with CI/CD pipelines, making it an ideal choice for efficient mobile app testing. With Appcircle, you can manage the entire testing lifecycle from a single platform, ensuring thorough testing and a high-quality app.

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