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Mastering Binary Re-signing for App Security

Learn the importance of binary re-signing to ensure your app’s security, integrity, and seamless updates without needing a complete rebuild.

Why Re-signing is Important

Re-signing a binary is crucial to update the signature used to verify the app's authenticity. This ensures the app has not been tampered with and is from a trusted source.

There are several reasons to re-sign a binary, including transferring ownership of an app to a new developer account, updating an app after a certificate has expired or been revoked, and changing the name or bundle identifier.

  • iOS App Re-signing

    Choose your binary, select the re-sign option, fill out the required information, and leave the rest to Appcircle. You'll get a freshly signed binary with updated information, ensuring a trustworthy installation process for your users.

  • Android App Re-signing

    Appcircle's user-friendly UI guides you through the Android binary resignature process. With a single click, your Android binary will be signed and ready for test distribution or store submission when you select the re-sign option.

  • Re-sign History

    Appcircle’s re-sign history section lets you track the past processes of your artifacts.

All the Use Cases for Re-signing Binaries

Changing App Entitlements: Modify app entitlements to adjust capabilities or distribution settings. Quickly adapt to new requirements and ensure your app has the correct entitlements for its functionality.

Adjusting Distribution Certificates: Update the app’s distribution certificate after renewal or change. Maintain the app’s distribution integrity and trust by keeping certificates up to date without rebuilding the app.

Fixing Issues with Current Provisioning or Signing: Resolve issues with the current provisioning profile or signing certificate by re-signing the binary. Quickly resolve signing and provisioning issues, maintaining the app’s availability and trustworthiness.

Updating Provisioning Profiles or Keystores: Apply updated provisioning profiles or keystores without rebuilding the app. Save time and effort by avoiding a full rebuild, ensuring your app is always signed with the latest credentials.

Re-signing IPA/Android APK: Before publishing the application, update information such as Display Name, Version, Build Number/Version Code, Entitlements, Package ID, Keystore, and Targets.

Switching Keystores (Android): Change the keystore for an Android app due to policy changes or key expiration. Maintain app security and compliance by updating keystores without needing a complete rebuild.

Version, Build Number (Version Code) Change: Update the version or build number of the app without a full rebuild. Ensure that version numbers are correct and reflective of updates, saving time and resources.

Application Name Change: Change the application’s name. Easily change the app name without a full rebuild, keeping the app’s identity accurate and relevant.


What is the Re-sign Binary feature?

The Re-sign Binary feature allows developers to update their app's distribution or capabilities without needing a full rebuild. This feature is beneficial for updating provisioning profiles, modifying app entitlements, and more.

Why would I need to use the Re-sign Binary feature?

The Re-sign Binary feature is useful for several scenarios: updating provisioning profiles or keystores, changing app entitlements, adjusting distribution certificates, distributing the app to different environments, switching keystores for Android apps, fixing issues with current provisioning or signing, changing the version or build number, and changing the application name.

How do I update the device list in my iOS app's provisioning profile without a new build?

You can use the Re-sign Binary feature to apply updated provisioning profiles without rebuilding the app. This saves time and ensures your app is always signed with the latest credentials.

Can I change my app's entitlements without rebuilding the app?

Yes, the Re-sign Binary feature allows you to modify the app's entitlements to adjust capabilities or distribution settings without a complete rebuild.

My distribution certificate has expired; how can I re-sign IPA with a new certificate?

Using the Re-sign Binary feature, you can update the app’s distribution certificate after renewal or change, maintaining the app’s distribution integrity and trust.

What's the process for re-signing an iOS app for different environments like QA or production?

The Re-sign Binary feature supports distributing the app to different environments with different settings, simplifying the management of different versions for QA, staging, or production.

How do I update the signing credentials for my app for a security update?

You can quickly resolve signing and provisioning issues by re-signing the binary with updated signing credentials, ensuring the app remains functional and secure.

How do I re-sign an Android app with a new keystore without rebuilding?

The Re-sign Binary feature allows you to change the keystore for an Android app due to policy changes or key expiration without needing a complete rebuild.

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