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React Native Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

Automate builds, tests, and releases for React Native apps. Improve your development process with fast, reliable, and scalable CI/CD solutions tailored for React Native.

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React Native CI Automation

Optimize and streamline your React Native app development with Appcircle. Automate every step of your app pipeline with centralized management, seamless integration, and powerful features for efficient and reliable app delivery.


Intuitive Interface

Appcircle provides a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that allows developers to create and manage their CI/CD pipelines without the need for extensive coding or configuration files.


Pre-built Steps

The platform includes a variety of pre-built steps for common tasks such as building, testing, and publishing apps. These steps can be easily added to your workflow and configured through the UI.


Signing Identities

Appcircle's Signing Identities module offers centralized management for developer certificates, with automated generation and signing. Track and monitor your profiles and certificates to enhance security.


Version Select

Switch between different React Native versions directly within the build environment. Easily manage multiple versions without additional downloads, ensuring smooth transitions and testing.

React Native CI Tools & Integrations

Enhance your React Native development with seamless integrations. Elevate your workflow with powerful tools designed to optimize builds, tests, and distribution. Experience unmatched efficiency with Appcircle's advanced CI integrations.


App Center CodePush

Integrate with App Center CodePush for seamless updates and code pushes to your React Native apps.


Node Installation

Automate the installation of Node.js to ensure your React Native apps build correctly.


NPM/Yarn Commands

Run custom NPM or Yarn commands as part of your React Native CI/CD pipeline.

React Native CD Automation

Automate Continuous Deployment tasks for both store publishing and testing your mobile app.


Publish to Store

Automate the process of publishing React Native apps to app stores like Google Play, Apple App Store, and MDMs. It handles all the necessary steps, including metadata management, approvals, and submission, making the process faster and less error-prone.

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Testing Distribution

Streamline the process of distributing React Native app builds to testers and stakeholders. Create test groups, manage different app versions, and securely distribute apps to designated testers with ease.

Enhanced Security

Secure your React Native app deployments with Appcircle. Centralized management of environment variables, custom infrastructure, and advanced role management ensure optimal React Native CI/CD security.


Environment Variables

Simplify the configuration and security of your React Native builds with centralized environment variable management.


Self-Hosted CI/CD

Host your React Native CI/CD environment on your infrastructure or use AWS/GCP for unmatched control and customization. Integrate seamlessly with your systems for comprehensive management.

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