Maestro Cloud Upload
Integrating Maestro Cloud Upload in Appcircle's CI/CD pipelines automates the process of uploading files for testing in Maestro Cloud, ensuring delivery of higher quality apps.
Key Benefits
Cross-Platform Testing: Supports testing for both iOS and Android apps along with React Native and Flutter, allowing consistent test execution and validation across multiple platforms.
Efficient Testing: Built on learnings from its predecessors (Appium, Espresso, UIAutomator, XCTest), Maestro provides high efficiency testing with built-in tolerance to flakiness and delays.
Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with Appcircle's CI/CD pipelines, providing a seamless workflow for testing as part of the app development process.
High-performance Testing: Tests are interpreted, no need to compile anything. Maestro is able to continuously monitor your test files and rerun them as they change.
Points to Consider
Upload Configuration: Manage which file will be uploaded to which workspace and which testing flow it will be used with.
Test Configuration: Ensure that your Maestro flows are properly configured so that the right flows run after the deployment.
Test Results: Utilize Appcircle's logs to debug any issues encountered during test execution, ensuring that tests are reliable and accurate.
For more information on setup and usage, please visit our Documentation page Â