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Breaking Down DevOps

Comparison of Mobile DevOps and Backend DevOps

devops hero image
FeatureMobile DevOpsBackend DevOps
Ecosystem NatureTightly controlled and limited mobile OS platformsOpen ecosystem with freedom of choice
Continuous IntegrationDemands specialized knowledge and approach for mobile app developmentUtilizes the traditional and relatively flexible CI approach
Continuous DeploymentDistribution options and methods highly recognize by the OS providersFlexible deployment options with the traditional CD approach
Hotfix DeploymentIs not possible except certain cases due to the controlled ways of  compiled binary distributionIs possible and commonly used in projects of various sizes.
Code Signing ManagementInvolves complex management due to the tight controls in the app release platforms.Is not required for deployment
Testing DistributionUses binary (IPA/APK) files for app distribution and installation, including device testingEmploys a flexible approach for testing with high modularity and a wide variety of distribution options.
Publishing vs DeploymentApps are submitted to app stores for review before latest release, even for testing purposes, which can take days to weeks.Automated deployment of software directly to the servers of the platform/infrastructure of your choice.
Active Version ComplexitySeveral versions are usually in use in the market, and all of them should be supported.Based on the nature of the app, usually one version that everyone use
End-User Store ReviewSubject to app reviews and waiting periods for release.Allows for instant deployment without dependency on third-parties.
Expertise RequiredRequires developers with specialized knowledge on mobile development as well as DevOpsKnowledge of DevOps is typically sufficient

Here is How Appcircle Can Help

Appcircle addresses the unique challenges of Mobile DevOps with a unified platform, making mobile app development and maintenance simpler and more efficient to meet the strict demands of mobile app developers seeking a seamless build, test and publishing process.

Build Mobile App with Appcircle's Integrations

Wherever you are, just connect your repository, and let Appcircle start building your mobile app for you. With Appcircle's seamless integration with popular version control systems like Git, you can effortlessly link your project and kickstart the devops process. Appcircle provides wide range of mobile development-specific 100+ integrations to faster and powerful.

Simplify Mobile App Certificate Management with Appcircle

Streamline the process of generating, uploading, and managing iOS and Android certificates through Appcircle’s user-friendly signing identity management interface. Save time and allow developers to focus on creating amazing apps instead of dealing with the complexities and the quirks of certificate management.

Distribute Binaries Effortlessly for Device Testing Using Appcircle

Distribute binary files to your testing users quickly and securely with Appcircle testing distribution module. Automatically share your new builds or trigger it manually anytime you want to ensure comprehensive testing by a selected set of testers, resulting in high-quality and successful mobile applications.

Seamless Publish to Mobile App Stores Appcircle’s Integrated Solutions

Publish your app to the public stores like App Store, Google Play and Huawei AppGallery or to your internal app store for private delivery with Appcircle automated store upload module, all seamlessly. This comprehensive integration enables developers to release their apps on multiple platforms with high efficiency, ensuring a competitive advantage by reducing time to market.

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