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App Store Connect API Key and Service Accounts Integration

Linking your Apple Developer, Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, and Microsoft Intune accounts with Appcircle simplifies app distribution and automates tasks such as fetching certificates, managing provisioning profiles, and uploading binaries. By integrating these service accounts with Appcircle, you streamline your iOS and Android app development and distribution workflows.

Generating an App Store Connect API Key

Create an App Store Connect API Key to link your Apple Developer account with Appcircle. This allows Appcircle to access your certificates and provisioning profiles directly, enabling easier management and automation.

A developer wants to automate provisioning profile management for their iOS app builds in Appcircle. They log into App Store Connect, ensure the correct team is selected, and navigate to Users and Access > Keys. Under the App Store Connect API section, they click the + button to create a new key. They provide a name for the key and assign the Admin role to ensure sufficient permissions. After generating the key, they download the .p8 key file, which can only be downloaded once.

Linking Appcircle with App Store Connect

After obtaining the API Key, upload it to Appcircle to establish a connection with your Apple Developer account.

The developer navigates to their organization settings in Appcircle and clicks on Add New under the App Store Connect API Keys section. They upload the downloaded .p8 key file, enter the Key ID and Issuer ID obtained from App Store Connect, and provide a name for the key in Appcircle. Once saved, Appcircle can now fetch and manage certificates and provisioning profiles associated with their Apple Developer account.

Generating a Google Play Service Account

Integrate your Google Play Console with Appcircle by creating a Google Play Service Account. This allows Appcircle to upload your app binaries directly to the Google Play Store.

An Android developer aims to automate app deployment to Google Play. They create a new project in Google Cloud Platform and enable the Google Play Android Developer API for that project. They navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts, create a new service account, and assign the Editor role. After creating the service account, they generate a JSON key file by selecting Manage keys and clicking Add Key > Create new key. They download the JSON key file, which contains the credentials needed for Appcircle.

Linking Appcircle with Google Play

Upload the Service Account JSON key to Appcircle to enable direct uploads to the Google Play Store.

In the Google Play Console, the developer goes to Users and Permissions and invites the service account's email address as a new user. They assign the necessary permissions, such as access to Releases, Store presence, and App access. Back in Appcircle, the developer navigates to their organization settings and adds a new Google Play Developer API Key under the Connections section. They upload the JSON key file, allowing Appcircle to authenticate with Google Play during the build process.

Generating a Huawei AppGallery API Key

Create a Huawei AppGallery API Key to enable Appcircle to upload your app binaries directly to Huawei AppGallery.

An Android developer wants to distribute their app to Huawei AppGallery. They log into the Huawei AppGallery Console, navigate to Users and Permissions, and select Connect API. They create a Team-Level API Key without selecting a specific project to ensure it applies to the entire team. After generating the API Key, they download it by clicking the Download button.

Linking Appcircle with Huawei AppGallery

Upload the Huawei AppGallery API Key to Appcircle to enable direct uploads to Huawei AppGallery.

In Appcircle, the developer navigates to their organization settings and adds a new Huawei AppGallery API Key under the Connections section. They upload the downloaded API Key file, enabling Appcircle to authenticate with Huawei AppGallery during the build process.

Common Issues and FAQs for Huawei AppGallery:

  • Issue: Receiving the error [AppGalleryConnectFileService] distContryList is empty and usage route site is not China.
    Solution: Update the Country/Region for release list in your Huawei Developer account and save the changes. Retry sending the release via Appcircle.
  • Issue: Receiving the error [AppGalleryConnectPublishService] input aab size is too large.
    Solution: Ensure your app package complies with Huawei's size limits (150MB for AAB files). Refer to Huawei's documentation on submitting app packages.

Generating a Microsoft Intune API Key

Integrate your Microsoft Intune account with Appcircle by providing Microsoft Graph API credentials. This allows Appcircle to upload binaries and metadata directly to Microsoft Intune.

An enterprise developer wants to distribute their app internally using Microsoft Intune. They register an application with the Microsoft Identity Platform to obtain the necessary credentials:

  1. Create a new application in the Azure Portal and note the Client ID and Tenant ID.
  2. Generate a Client Secret for the application.
  3. Assign the required permissions (DeviceManagementApps.Read.All and DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All) to the application in the Microsoft Graph API.
  4. Obtain the Auth URL, typically formatted as https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token.

Linking Appcircle with Microsoft Intune

Upload the Microsoft Intune API credentials to Appcircle to enable direct uploads to Microsoft Intune.

In Appcircle, the developer navigates to their organization settings and adds a new Microsoft Intune API Key under the Connections section. They fill in:

  • Setting Name: A user-friendly name for the credentials.
  • Client ID: The application (client) ID from Azure.
  • Client Secret: The client secret generated in Azure.
  • Auth URL: The authorization URL.

Once saved, Appcircle can authenticate with Microsoft Intune during the build process.

Providing Microsoft Graph API Credentials:

Ensure your application registered on the Microsoft Identity Platform has the necessary permissions:

  • DeviceManagementApps.Read.All
  • DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All

Refer to Microsoft's documentation on Microsoft Graph permissions for detailed guidance.